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(Amalaki Indian Ginger) Con il più alto contenuto di vitamina C, estratto puro al 100%, rafforza il sistema immunitario quattro.

Forza: Estratto Premium 10: 1 Dimensioni: capsule a base di erbe da 500 mg Quantità: 60 x in ogni flacone

AMLA - (Amalaki Indian Ginger) per rafforzare il sistema immunitario

SKU: AMBHT-713194-992159
    • Increases immune responses

    • contains a high dose of vitamin C does

    • High in antioxidants

    • Helps reduce irritation, inflammation

    • Good for digestion

    • Helps the body absorb nutrients

    • The pursuit of toxins

    • Very useful for the urinary system

    • Very good for skin and face color

    • Healthier, shiny hair

    • Healthy bones, teeth and nails.

    • Maintains natural , healthy hair color

    • Reduces hair loss

    • Reduces menstrual cramps

    • Protects the liver from cell damage

    • Helps protect the abdomen from increased acidity

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